July 25, 2011

Give away

My friend Megan, at Borderless is having a give away.

July 9, 2011


So, did everyone have a good 4th of July?  I know I did.  first with my 3 sisters, Melissa, (yes the one and only from living bold) and one of our other friends went and panted someones garage. Then we went to Melissa's house and had some lunch...And watched as a frog jumped off of Melissa's head...Ah good times :)  Then we went home.  Then later that evening we went to our church ate and played some games with everyone.  Then of course we went to watch fireworks.  Sorry I don't have any pictures. 

I'm sure everyone knows that if you do stuff with a happy heart you will always have more fun. Well it is even true with mowing. This year I started mowing with the riding mower. The first time I mowed I had so much fun because it is so much better then the push mower.  I have mowed with the rider 3 or 4 times now and every time I have had fun but the last time I almost didn't.  I was right in the middle of a book and Kaylee asked me to go mow or help clean the house. Well me, I would rather go outside then clean so I decided to mow.  I wasn't very happy with it but I knew that if I didn't Kaylee would get mad at me.  I went up stairs to put suntan lotion on and decided that maybe if I have a happy heart again it won't be so bad.  I went outside ready to mow with a happy heart.  After a little while I decided that I wanted some music so I was trying to dance and singing as loud as I could with my MP3.  Turns  out I had a lot of fun.  So if you do stuff with a happy heart it will be fun.

July 4, 2011


I Got back on Friday from Pine Lake Christian Camp
I had so much fun.

I had a lot of fun and learned a lot about God and his love for me. 
I grew up knowing that God loved me and he sent his son for me but I never really got how much he loves me.  Something else I learned that we talked about is that without God we can't do anything and we need friends to help us along.  My goal is to spend at least a little bit of time with God each day. It could be just praying or reading my bible.  Because like I said already we can't do anything without God.
My cabin mates were the coolest people ever!
I also think Pine Lake is one of the best camps ever. But I've only gone to 2
Sorry I don't have any pictures, but I don't have a camera.


P.S. Happy 4th of July